ASCII Filter

In my version of Daniel Shiffman’s ASCII art project from The Coding Train, I’ve introduced several modifications to give it a unique spin, transforming the ASCII art into a Matrix-style “rain” effect.

Firstly, I adjusted the ASCII character set and the way characters are mapped from the video input. While the original project used a fixed set of characters to represent varying shades of brightness, I’ve maintained this concept but added a twist by allowing the characters to change over time. This simulates the iconic digital rain from the Matrix films, where text continuously flows down the screen.

To achieve this, I introduced a time-based variable that modifies which character is selected from the density string. Using millis() to get the running time since the program started, I created a time offset that adjusts the character index cyclically. This means as time progresses, the characters displayed for the same pixel brightness level change, creating an effect of falling rain.
